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1. Anna tried _ two birds with one stone.
a. To kill
b. To be killing
c. To have been killed
2. Can anybody _ me how to use a computer?
a. To have shown
b. To have been shown
c. To show
3. Good-bye! I am so pleased _ you. - The pleasure is mine.
a. To be meeting
b. To meet
c. To have met
4. I am awfully sorry _ just_ you in this stupid way.
a. To be bothering
b. To bother
c. To have bothered
5. It was nice of you _ me your Grammar book. Without it I would have been lost.
a. To lend
b. To have lent
c. To be lent
6. Jack is in his garage. He must _ his car.
a. Have been repairing
b. Be repairing
c. Repair
7. Look at the children! They are laughing. They seem _ the film.
a. To enjoy
b. To be enjoying
c. To have enjoyed
8. No words can describe the fascination of the place. It must _ .
a. have been seen
b. see
c. be seen
9. They must have taught him a lesson. It ought to _ long ago.
a. Have been done
b. Be done
c. Have done
10. This work is easy; it may _ by a child, if you ask me.
a. Be doing
b. Have done
c. Be done

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. He played football yesterday

2. Irina wore nice clothes day before yesterday

3. it was my pen

4. We had breakfast at 7 o’clock

5. I drank coffee this morning

6. We saw a spider yesterday

7. She ate apples this morning

8. They were in London last year

9. My sister called him yesterday

10. My mother was a doctor two years ago

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