Есть ответ 👍

1. Завершите эти короткие диалоги, поставив
глаголы в скобках в настоящем времени непрерывны.

1) A: Can I change channels? There's a good film I'd like
to see on Channel 4.
B: Actually, I ...................................... (watch) this.
I ............................................... (quite / enjoy) it.
2) A: Do you fancy coming round for dinner on Sunday?
B: I'd love to, but I .................................... (actually / go round) to john's. It's his birthday.
3) A: What's this awful noise? Can I turn it off?
B: No, I .............................. (listen to) that. It's
Deathpunk's latest CD. It's not noise, it's genius!
4) A: Hello. I'd like to book some tickets for tonight's
B: I'm sorry, we can't take any bookings at the moment.
We ........................ (have) a lot of problems with our computer.
5) A: Can you help me tidy up?
B: Yeah, in a bit. I ..................... (just / read) the end of this book.
6) A: Will you go out with me some time?
B: I don't think it's a good idea. I like you, but
I .............................. (see) someone else.

2. Мы часто используем эти наречия и деепричастия
фразы с настоящим непрерывным в то же время
мгновение, потом, еще, сейчас.
Завершите эти предложения, поставив
наречия в скобках в нужном месте.

1) I'm waiting for a friend. We're going out for dinner
later. (just)
2) What are you doing? Do you want to get
something to eat? (now)
3) I'm working really, really long hours. It's driving me
mad! (at the moment).
4) I'm meeting Ashley, if you fancy coming. (later)
5) What are you doing? Are you still with the same
company? (at the moment)
6) I'm trying to find a new place to live. (still)
7) What are you doing now? Are you studying? (still)
8) I'm going out, so I'll phone you when I get back
home. (later)
9) We're going for a coffee over the road, if you'd like
to join us. (just)
10) I'm living back with my mum and dad because I got
evicted from my old place. (now)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Первый : соблюдай чистотувторой: уважай другихтретий: старайся во всёмчетвёртый: будь на высоте

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