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When cooking fish, there are a couple general tips and trends that you can follow. This makes it easier to decide which cooking method is best, so you serve the best product to your customers. For example, dry cooking methods like roasting, grilling, and baking are better for thicker cuts of fish, as well as oily fish. This is because there is less of a chance that the fish will dry out during cooking. On the other hand, wet cooking methods like poaching, steaming, and baking en papillote are ideal options for thin fillets and delicate seafood. These cooking methods are forgiving, and there's less of a chance that the fish dries out.Baking is one of the safest ways to cook fish, but thicker and oilier fish is ideal because it is less likely to dry out during cooking. Artic char Sablefish Halibut Clams

salmon -500 grams salt to taste pepper to taste lemon juice -1 teaspoon cut salmon into steaks and add spices by pouring lemon juice for taste bake in the oven in foil for 30-40 minutes

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