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Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb (must / can / should / may)
1. ______ I have a glass of water?
2. Bird ______ be known by its song.
3. He is coming here so that they ______ discuss it without delay.
4. I have some free time. I ______ help her now.
5. I ______ drive Susan's car when she is out of town.
6. Anyone ______ become rich and famous if they know the right people.
7. You ______ go to this party. It's very important.
8. It's late. You ______ go to bed.
9. He ______ have told me about it himself.
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.
1. It can /could / couldn’t rain tomorrow.
2. You don’t have to /might not/mustn’t use your mobile phone in class.
3. You can’t have / don’t have to /mustn’t study at the weekends, except when you have exams.
4. You may not / might not /needn’t Everything will be OK.
5. You couldn’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers. They're not good for you.
6. Diana looks happy. She can /can have /must have heard some good news.
7. I can’t /may not /might not have left my mobile phone at school on Friday afternoon – I had it on Friday night.

Task 3. Write the sentences again without changing the meaning. Use one of the modal verbs in brackets.
1. It’s possible Kate saw him. (must / may / can)
Kate ________________________________________________
2. I am certain John has got lost. (should / could / must)
John ________________________________________________
3. My advice is that you stop. (should / must / could)
You _________________________________________________
4. Perhaps they went to London. (must / can / might)
5. I am sure Mary is French. (can / must / could)
Mary _______________________________________________

Task 4. Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. Use must, don’t have to, might, should, must have, mustn’t, can’t have and shouldn’t.
1. You ____________________ eat more vegetables. They're good for you.
2. You ____________________ drive on the pavement. It's illegal.
3. You ____________________ say that. It's not nice.
4. I ______________________ go to work tomorrow because it's a public holiday.
5. I ______________________ buy this CD, but I'm not sure.
6. He's not here. He _____________________ gone out.
7. She didn't study enough. She _____________________ passed her exam.
8. You ____________________ be 18 before you can buy alcohol.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Упражнение 1

1. Do

2. Washed

3. Waters

4. Clean; play

5. Listen; watch

6. Plays; cry

7. Brush; go

8. Worked

9. Baked

10. Washed; looked

11. Brushed; talked

12. Smoked; waited

Упражнение 2





Dreamed или dreamt (неимеет значения)







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