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1) Where... Susan... (to be) yesterday? - She...(to go) to the birthday party. - Who...(to have) the party? - Angela... (to have). She... (to be) fifteen yesterday.
2) Who... (to phone) a few minutes ago? - It... (to be) your friend Eric. He... (to want) to invite you to the cinema.
3) ... you ... (to watch) this film? - Yes, I... . I ... (to watch) it some days ago. - How... you....(to like) it? - Well, not very much. It... (to seem) to be rather boring.
4) How many subjects she (to study) last year?-She.. (to study) twelve subjects. She also (to attend) the Music Studio.
5) Where... you (to be) during your last holidays? - My parents and me... (to go) to China. We... (to visit) some very interesting places. ... you... (to enjoy) your trip? - Of course, we... .
6)... your sister... (to go) shopping yesterday? What ... she... (to buy)? - Well, she... (to go) to a new shopping centre and... (to buy) a pair of nice shoes and a pretty hat there.
7) Why... Dick (to be) late for the lecture? - He... (to oversleep) and... (to miss) the bus.
8) When... the concert... (to begin)? It... (to begin) twenty minutes ago.
9) Who... (to be) at the meeting yesterday? - Well, there... (to be) a lot of people, but I... (not to meet) anyone I know.
10)... Bill... (to repair) his mobile phone)? - No, he... . His parents... (to promise) him to buy a new one.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) western europe - западная европа. a wave of immigrants is washing over western europe.наплыв иммигрантов захлестнул западную европу. total eclipse - полное затмение. a total eclipse of the sun. полное затмение солнца. long day — долгий день. it's been a long day. это был долгий день. new dress — новое платье. do you like my new dress? тебе нравится мое новое платье? eyes wide — открыть глаза. he opened his eyes wide. он широко открыл глаза.  b)    other  feature —  особенность.the map showed roads and other features. карта показала дороги и другие особенности. high   mountain — высокая гора. it's the highest mountain after mount everest. это самая высокая гора после эвереста.   

restricted area - запретная зона.

you have entered a restricted area.вы вошли в запретную зону.

official language — официальный  язык.  the official language of ghana is english.  официальный язык ганы — . sound   economy — стабильная . the economy has grown steadily. стабильно растёт.

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