08.10.2020 07:23
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1 ,A 68.1-W light bulb is connected to a 215.0-V source and operates for 2.3 hours. Find the electrical resistance of the light bulb
2, A battery of potential difference 4.1 V produces a steady current of 3.2 A for 11.0 minutes. Calculate the energy that it transfers
3, A cell membrane is 0.0000006 m thick and has an electric potential difference between its surfaces of 0.10 V. What is the electric field within the membrane?
4, A resistor R, is connected between the terminals of a 3.8 V battery. A charge of 4.7 C passes through the resistor in 7.9 s. What is the resistance of the resistor?

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4,5(20 оценок)

T= const p1v1 = p2v2 f - влажность f1 = 0.6 f2 - ? используем две формулы: менделеева-клапейрона и относительной влажности. f = p/pн.п p1н.п = p2н.п =  pн.п = const  f1/f2 = p1/p2 найдем давления в первом и во втором случае с формулы м-к. pv = vrt p1 = vrt/v1 p2 = vrt/v2 v2 = 2v1 f1/f2 = v2/v1  f1/f2 = 2 f1 = 2f2 f2 = f1/2 = 0.3 = 30%

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