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Какова индукция магнитного поля,в котором на проводнике с током 30А действует силы Ампера 300мН?Поле и ток взаимно перпендикулярны.Длина активной части проводника 20 см

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4,6(47 оценок)

а разве не проще самим придумать?,,,,


The last film I watched was "fantastic critters, and where they inhabit". This movie is about what the main character wants to save, and save a fantastic world, among people. In this he is helped by two golduns, and a man. But that's what's stopping them. But in this they are hindered by the president/mayor of the city(countries.) Says these creatures are quite dangerous for World. That's why she starts to set up the creatures, which prevents her main character. I advise you to see it!

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