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УРОК 2 SHALL WE? (Пойдем куда нибудь?) А. Упражнение на повторение Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. Use must, mustn’t, can’t . 1. You ____________________ drive on the pavement. It's illegal. 2. You ____________________ say that. It's not nice. 3. You ____________________ eat more vegetables. They're good for you. 4. You ____________________ be 18 before you can drive a car. 5. You ____________________ go to this party. It's too late. B. Read the words and translate. (Слова читать ВСЛУХ!!!) Promt: Department store - универмаг Fast food (restaurant) - ресторан быстрого питания Gym - спортивный зал С. Answer question "b" of ex.1 Example: I can relax in the park. Должно быть записано 9 предложений!!!!! D. Listen and read the dialogue of ex.2, p.78. (Повторять за диктором) Question: Where do they decide to go? E. Сomparisons (Степени сравнения английских прилагательных) СМ. презентацию!!!!! ex. 4, p.79 Homework WB ex. 2-3, p.47 p. ex.2, p. 48

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Is'nt helping isn't playing are'nt listening is'nt working is'nt riding is'nt looking are'nt swimming is'nt having is'nt making is'nt dansing

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