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1) What allophone of the phoneme [r] is used within the word train?
a) voiced;
b) voiceless;
c) completely devoiced.
2) We call [ o] open and [i] close. Can you explain why?
a) because of the pitch level;
b) because of the degree of a tongue protruding;
c) because of the position in a word.
3) Which are the words that always have strong forms in an unstressed position?
1. to be b) he
to do } when main verbs when
to have then
when off
then in
on what
in do } when auxiliary
off have} when auxiliary
that (demonstrative pronoun) should
some (an indefinite pronoun) able
will (modal verb) ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

  goes, is going,  has gone, went

Популярно: Английский язык