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1 Listen again. Complete the sentences
with will or won't.
1 In the future, cars ... use petrol.
2 Cars ... have solar panels on the roof.
3 The cars of the future ... be smaller.
4 Cars ... be made of recycled plastic or
5 People ... drive in the future.
6 Traffic ... travel in tunnels under the ground.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The city in which i live is surrounded by a very picturesque nature. a lot of natural monuments and nature reserves are around. wild forests, deep lakes and even high mountains are located, if not in walking distance, then they can not go more than two hours. if you take a train in my city and drive 4 stations, you can be at the station, which leads to the foot of the biggest mountainous hill of my country. when i saw hoverla for the first time, i was under the immense impression of her majesty and monumentality, looking at her you realize all your insignificance and understand how short a human age.

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