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По Английскому...
Put the verbs into the correct form of the past simple.
1)-What you/have for breakfast yesterday?
-A glass of milk and cereal.
2)-you/go to school yesterday?
-No, I be sick.
3-How many books you/buy?
-l only buy one.
4-you/meet john last night?
-Yes, we go to the cinema together.
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Ответы на вопрос:

      i wantto tell you aboutone sport.this kind's calledfootball.this game iswhere mostmenlove, but sometimes i'm in love withmy dadto watch the game.sointeresting! oncethe ball is flyinghere, twoball fliesthere.and i knowthat footballis not justa sport, but alsoa game.i noticedthatin this wonderfulgameestgoals,penalties andevenany other.ilove this


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