
1. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are)

1. They … very nice children.

2. She … a good actress.

3. My friends and I …students. We…interested in hokey.

4. Mike and Steve… good friends.

5. I have got a bicycle. It … modern and fast.

6. Where … his Granny? She … at home.

7. … you an engineer. Yes, I … .

8. My grandparents…very hard-working.

9. My best friends …good at Physics.

10. Margaret…very clever.

11. I have got a bicycle. It … modern and fast.

12.Where … his Granny? She … at home.

13… you an engineer. Yes, I … .

14. My grandparents…very hard-working.

15. My best friends …good at Physics.

16. Margaret…very clever.

17.James … British.

18.He … from London.

19.We … in basketball team. I … a captain.

20.They … good brothers.
2. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями

1. Their grandparents are from Wales.

2. My sister is a teacher of Russian literature.

3. My brother and I live in St.Petersburg.

4. A dog likes bones.

5. Tom speaks Spanish very well.

6. Elena is Russian.

7. Cats like to drink milk.

8. Their parents are from Moscow.

9. My brother is a good hokey player.

10. My cousins and I live in Khabarovsk.

11. The Petrovs are good family.

12. Mice don’t like cats.

13. Their friends are from Scotland.

14. My sister is a teacher of Russian literature.

15. My brother and I live in Volgograd.

16. The girls are much more diligent.

17. Helen speaks Spanish very well.

18. His sister is at home.

19. Where is the book?

20. Their mother is a secretary.
3. Поставьте существительные во множественное число

Doctor, name, loaf, tube, pipe, day, page, tooth, wife, mouse, tree, potato, bus, goose, task, city, duty, fox, room, roof, page, glove, melody, hand, ox, tooth, day.
4. Напишите существительные в соответствующие колонки (Исчисляемые сущ. и неисчисляемые сущ.)

Salt, banana, mitten, yogurt, loaf, sweet, lemonade, beetroot, sand, snow, strawberry, tangerine, plum, gold, oil, butter, honey, bin, tomato.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1 are

2 is

3 are

4 are

5 is

6 is

7 are, am

8 are

9 is

10 is

11 is

12 is

13 are, am

14 are

15 is

16 is

17 is

18 is

19 are, am

20 are

ответ: 1) mother

2) sister

3) grandfather

4) grandmother

5) mother

6) brother

7) father

объяснение: дальше не знаю

Популярно: Английский язык