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1.Exxon is … American company.
a)a b) an c) the d) –
2.There`s … technician in the control room.
a)a b) an c) the d)-
3.How many technicians … in your team?
a)is there b) are there с) there is d) there are
4.Where …. they live?
a)do b) does c) is d) are
5.He works in an office but the …. like it.
a)don`t b) doesn`t c) isn`t d) aren`t
6.They … pipes at the moment.
a)are testing b) is testing c) tested) tests
7.The drill string, …. of tough steel pipe, turns the bit.
a)make b) made c) makes d) is making
8.An electric swivel is fixed under the swivel …. electric power to the bottom hole motor.
a)transmit b) to transmit c) transmitted d) is transmitting
9.Did you find any difficulty in … the problem?
a)solve b) to solve c) solving d) solved
a)very big b) hungry c) stupid
a)stupid b) kind c) smart
12.An …. is an area of land that has large a mounts of oil under its surface.
a)oil well b) oilfield c) offshore
13. An …. is a hole in the ground that an oil company makes in order to get oil.
a)oil well b) oilfield c) onshore
14. Where __ you from?
15. I __ from the UK.
a)am b) is c) are
16.What __ her nationality?
a)is b) are c) am
17.This old machine isn't …
a)safe b) safety.
18. He's an … engineer.
a)Italy b) Italian
19.In winter we __ often skate.
a)can b) may c) must
20.You __ take my dictionary.
a)can b) must c) may

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:Мікроскоп дає 600-кратне збільшення, якщо використати окуляр з

фокусною відстанню 16,7 мм. Яке збільшення даватиме цей мікроскоп,

ящо окуляр буде мати оптичну силу 20 діоптрій?


1they said that they would have done a lot of homework by 12 o'clock. 2 he said that they had been waiting for them for two hours when the bus had come. 3 he said that he would arrive at about 6 o'clock p.m the following day. 4 he said that they would be watching the match on television at 11 o'clock the day after the following day. 5 he said that he liked to read romantic novels. 6 he said that he had lost his key. 7 she said that he had invited me to the party. 8 nick said that they had been playing tennis when father had come home. 9 the teacher said that the sun rises in the east. 10 he said that he had taken his examinations in june. 11 they said that they would be dancing at the party at 9 o'clock p.m the following day, 12 i said that i had been studying english for two years already.

Популярно: Английский язык