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1) Was the sea bigger or smaller 58 years ago?
2) Where does the water of the
Amu Darya and Syr Darya usually go?
3) Where did the water of the rivers go 58 years ago?
4) Why is the lake smaller now?
5) Can fresh-water fish live in very salty* water?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 Julie has sent/sent Mary several text messages

last night

2 Dave is going to recycle his old computer. He

has had/had it for over 10 years.

3 Have you ever used/Did you ever use Flickr to

share photographs

4 We have had/had a great time playing video

games at Paul's house last night.

5 Jane bought/has bought a new mobile phone


6 I haven't received/didn't receive a reply from

the university yet.

7 Tara was/has been on the Internet since this


8 How many emails have you sent/did you send

so far today?

9 Have you ever had/Did you ever have an

accident while text messaging?

10 Last Monday I have left/left the library at about 4:30 pm.

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