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4. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в нужной форме.
1. The river is (big) than the lake.
2. Nick is the (good) pupil in class.
3. The giraffe is (tall) than the monkey.
4. It’s (hot) in Africa than in America.
5. The tortoise is the (slow) animal.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The river is bigger than the lake.

2. Nick is the best pupil in class.

3. The giraffe is taller than the monkey.

4. It’s hotter in Africa than in America.

5. The tortoise is the slowest animal.

Crocodiles are big green animals with big mouth and sharp teeth. lions are the forest kings. they have fluffy fure аnd long mane. giraffes have the longest neck.they are cute

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