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Дополните следующие предложения согласно образцу. Используйте данные в скобках слова. 1.Did your mother take a day off last week? (the week before). 2. Did the children go skiing on Sunday? (the Sunday before) 3. Did Martin eat at a restaurant yesterday evening? (the eve¬ning before) 4. Did your pupils see a movie last Saturday night? (the night before) 5. Did you and your friends have a picnic last Sunday? (the Sunday before) 6. Did Helen have a birthday party last night? (the night before) 7. Did they have their last exam yesterday? (the day before) 8. Did he fly to the Bahamas last weekend? (the weekend before) 9. Did you go shopping last Saturday? (the day before) 10. Did your relatives visit you on Sunday? (the Sunday before) 11. Did your workmates discuss politics at the office on Friday? (the day before) 12. Did he put his car in the garage last night? (the night before).​

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1. a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a 7b 8c 9b

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