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1. I … (go) to the theatre if I … (go) out tonight.
2. I … (be) angry if you … (get) back very late.
3. We … (see) each other next month if we … (not/see) each other next month.
4. If they … (come), I … (be) very surprised.
5. We … (be) late if we … (wait) here.
6. We … (go) to Italy if we … (go) on holiday this autumn.
7. We … (not/have) a picnic if the weather … (not/improve).
8. Peter and Jack … (go) to the party if they … (be) invited.
9. I … (be) tired tomorrow if I … (not/go) to bed early this evening.
10. We … (feel) sick, if we … (eat) all these cakes.

3. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предложения выражали реальное условие.

1. If I (to see) John, I (to tell) him your news.
2. He (to be) very pleased if it (to be) really true.
3. If you (to go) to town on Monday, you (to meet) my brother Tom.
4. If you (to need) help, my father (to help) you.
5. We (to have) a picnic lunch if the day (to be) fine.
6. If you (to ask) a policeman, he (to tell) you the way.
7. I (to finish) the job tomorrow if I (to can).
8. I (not / to require) an umbrella if it( not / to rain).
9. If she (to think) it over carefully, she (to form) a clear opinion.
10. If they (to catch) the bus now, they (to arrive) at half past nine.

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пиши так как есть открой скобки все


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