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Вариант 2
1.Do you work in … Saudi Arabia?
a)a b) an c) the d)-
2.How many technicians … in your team?
a)is there b) are there с) there is d) there are
3.… a spanner in your tool box?
a)Is there b) There is c) There are d) Are there
4.…. a lot of offshore wells in the UK.
а) They are b) There are c) Are there d) Is there
5.A crane operator asked the rigger …. a little.
a)to wait b) wait c) waiting d) waited
6.What do you think of …. pipes?
a)test b) to test c) testing d) tested
a)queer b) curious c) cruel
a)labour b) calamity c) beshrew
9.… companies supply equipment and technical services to the other companies.
a)Operating b) Drilling c) Service
10. An …. is an area of land that has large a mounts of oil under its surface.
a)oil well b) oilfield c) offshore
11. An …. is a hole in the ground that an oil company makes in order to get oil.
a)oil well b) oilfield c) onshore
12.One barrel equals …. litres.
a) 155 b) 157 c) 159
13. Downstream is connected with … of oil.
a) production b) transportation c) processing
14. . … is a material that you burn to produce heat or power
a) Fuel b) Rock c) Hydrocarbons
15.What __ her nationality?
a)is b) are c) am

16.She __ French.
a)is b) am c) are

17.___ Gazprom and Rosneft British companies?
a)is b) are c) am

18.… geologists test wells?
a)do b) does
19. … maintenance technicians repair things
a)does b) do
20.How … is the well?
a)depth b) deep

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1) i was listening to music too loudly, so my brother asked me to turn off the player.

2) today will be an interview with your favorite musician, so don't forget to turn on the radio.

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