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Some hundred years (1) it was common for people to make long journeys on (2) … , because at that time (3) … was very little transport and ordinary people (4) … not afford to travel in coaches. 002 ds The (1) of Texas is situated in the south-west of the USA above Mexico. A (2) of oil is produced in Texas and exported to other American states. The official (3) is English though Spanish is widely spoken there (4) . . Bert and Bill were going to help me move a big old wardrobe. But suddenly Bill disappeared and we couldn't find him (1) . We decided to start without him, but we didn't know (2) … to do it. We couldn't lift it. Bert is not strong (3) … and I am not an athlete (4) I must admit. (that 5. The radio has become (1) important with the invention of television. People (2) television to radio because it enables them to (3) … as (4) as to hear what is happening. This is especially important with national and international events. (1 6. (1) new friends and influencing people is a gift that some people seem to (2) born with while for (3) … it is a skill that that has to (4) acquired through practice and hard work. 7. Most people don't like getting up early, and some people find (1) impossible to wake up on time. For these people the (2) clock is a wonderful invention. But there are many (3) people who have got so used to hearing the regular ringing sounds of their alarm clock (4) they continue to sleep through the noise. 8. When we got to the box office, there were very (1) … tickets left so we couldn't sit (2) . George sat in the front (3) . because he likes to be near the (4) and I sat towards the back of the cinema. jobgure, 9. "When I was your (1) , I had to walk to school three miles. Have you ever heard anyone say something (2) … this? Much has changed in education over the years, and even though people may exaggerate (3) hard things used to be, it's true (4) … most pupils of today are fortunate when compared to those of long ago. 79

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we are reading a book.2. i am writing a letter .3. it is getting cold .4. he is looking for a new job.5. she is trying to forget it.6. they are losing  weight.7. look! the dog is playing with the cat! 8. it's six o'clock. calvin’s parents are drinking tea.

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