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ОЧЕНЬ Відповідь пишемо так: 1) comfortable 2)enjoy ) We were afraid to miss the plane so we went to the (1) ... by taxi. I felt very(2) ... when I travelled by ship for the first time. If you want to know some information about the timetable of the trains, you should go to the(3) ... . When I go on a trip, I put my things into a(4) ... . An(5) ... meets the passengers in a plane and shows them their seats. When you travel by plane you should show your ticket and documents at the (6) ... .

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1) airport


3)information desk


5)air hostess

6) check in desk


Iwe you they (то есть с i и когда мн. have + глагол ed/3 столбик  he she it (ед. has +  глагол ed/3 столбик have/has just won  the first prize have/has  studied  hard to reach the have/has  done  well. have/has  stopped  playng computer i haven't regretted  it have/has  taught  me to work hard. haven't/ hasn't  expected  to come first so i was amazed at the result. have/has not been able to  stop shaking disappointed that she has never become  a winner. havehas  been  very proud of her brother`s success.

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