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Translation practice. Perform the written translation from and into English paying attention to the active vocabulary.

1.At a pinch you can do without baccy, but never water.

2.She was still the desire of his eyes; but the sweet spring of fatherly love was now mingled with bitterness.

3.He then falls into a fit of breast-beating remorse and turns the gun on himself.

4.She had a great gift of mimicry, which ordinarily she kept in check thinking it was bad for her acting, but in these circles she turned it to good account and by means of it acquired the reputation of a wit.

5.Солоні огірки викликають у мене розлад травлення.

6.Запахи, що доносилися з кухні, розбудили наш апетит.

7.Єпископ роздумував: жорстокість та хвалькуватість його брата наповнили його почуттям відрази.

8.Проте міс Бетсі все ж досягла свого та на даний момент почувалася задоволеною.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)in bekere,toy shop and candels shop. 2)the buy candels,cake and a ball. 3)the need the biggest cake in the shop. 4)the need the biggest candels in the shop. 5)the need the cheapest and the interest present in the shop 6)olga 7)kolya 8)alex want to by a ball

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