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Завдання з англ.мови ТЬ БУДЬ-ЛАСКА!
1. In, vehicles, England, on, drive, left, the
2. In, the, drives, Ukraine, traffic, the, right, on
3. At, crossroads, big, are, there, for, pedestrians, subways, crossings
4. Along, streets, the, see, also, we, tram, bus, trolley-bus, stops
5. People, off, on, and, get, there, transport, public
З цих слів хтось може скласти речення на англійській?

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Ответы на вопрос:

in England, vihicles drives on the left.

in Ukraine, traffic drives on the right.

at big subways crossroads there are crossing for a pedestrians.

along the streets we also see tram, bus and trolley bus stops.

People off  and on get  there  transport public.


1the child won't be healthy if you don't give him much fruit. 2if i am not present at the lesson i won't understand this difficult rule. 3you would have understood the rule if you hadn't missed the teacher's explanation.

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