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Complete the gaps(1-7) with words from the box. There are two extra words you do not need.
текст: My family is not very big so I don't have many close ___ . My mother has two younger__ -Polly and Jane. Both my parents__ live in London.Polly has no children of her own, only __ from her husband's first marriage. Jane is much younger that my mother. She has a husband and two__ it's quite funny to think that these little girls are my__ and my mother__.
на месте __ должно быть слово

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Ответы на вопрос:

My family is not very big so I don't have many close relatives.  My mother has two younger sisters - Polly and Jane.  Both my aunts live in London . Polly has on children of her own, only stepdaughters from her husband's first marriage . Jane is much younger than my mother . She has a husband and two babies . It's quite funny to think that these little girls are my cousin and my mother's nieces.

1. she worked at an office. 2. she usually walked to the university. 3.i liked my work. 4. my brother finished school last year. 5. we wanted to buy a new house. 6. yesterday in the morning i looked into the mirror, washed, shaved and combed my hair. 7. yesterday at 9 o'clock i opened the door of my shop. 8. she showed her family album to her new friends. 9. she got up at seven o'clock every morning,went,ran around the house three times for exercise,came back,made breakfast and had it. 10. his wife got up at 8 o'clock,had a cup of coffee and took the dog for a walk in the park.

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