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№ 5. Read and discuss with your friends.
About Books (after O. Wilde)
Books, I believe, may be divided into three classes:
1) books to read;
2) books to re-read;
3) books not to read at all.
The third class is the most important. To tell people what to read is, as a rule, either
useless or harmful. But to tell people what not to read is a very different matter.
It is indeed necessary in this age of ours, an age that reads so much, that it has no
time to admire, and writes so much that it has no time to think. Whoever will select “The
Worst Hundred Books” and publish a list of them will give the rising generation a real and
lasting service.
№ 6. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you agree that there are three classes of books: books you must read, books
you must re-read and books you must not read at all?
2. Which is the largest and the smallest class? Why?
3. How do you choose a book to read?
4. What books do you re-read?
5. How do you know what books not to read at all?
6. How can our age be characterized?
7. Do you agree that the list of the “Worst Hundred Books” may be useful?
8. What is the worst book in your opinion you have ever read?

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Kiril he goes to kindergarten philip, too, goes the garden they are brothers they are loafers

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