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"I offen write letters to my sisters"
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Ответы на вопрос:

Big - bigger - the biggest cold - colder - the coldest useful - more useful - the most useful dangerous - more  dangerous - the most  dangerousbeautiful - more  beautiful - the most  beautifulgood - better - the best bad - worse - the worst old - older - the oldest far - farer - the farest clean - cleaner - the cleanest slow - slower - the slowest dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest healthy - healthier  - the  healthiest friendly - friendlier - the friendliest modern - moderner - the modernest expensive - more  expensive - the most  expensivenoisy - noisier - the noisiest boring - boringer - the boringest quit - quiter - the quitest interesting - more  interesting - the most  interesting

Популярно: Английский язык