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Необходимо завершить второе предложение так, чтобы оно было похоже на 1

1.Chemistry is not guite as interesting as Biology for me

Chemestry is almost ... as Biology for me

2.A SUV is not guite as big as a minivan

A minivan slightly ... SUV

3. Small mice are a good deal more terrifying than rats for my Mother.

Small mice are far ... than rats for my mother.

4. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is much higher than the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is a good deal ... than Eiffel Tower in Paris.

5. A snake is much longer than a lizzard.

A lizzard is a lot less ... than a snake

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ещё до рождества моя мама заготовила много подарков и сделала вкусный пудинг. когда до рождества остовалось 2 часа я был счастлив. а уже в рождество мы ели вкусный пудинг и раскрывали подарки! на улице зажигали фейрверки. когда мы сьели основной ужин моя мама принесла большой торт и рождественское печенье с молоком. даже после рождества я не могу забыть о нём.  even before christmas my mother had prepared a lot of gifts and make a delicious pudding. when before christmas ostovatsya 2: 00 i was happy. and in christmas, we ate a delicious pudding and opened gifts! the street lit fireworks. when we have eaten the main dinner my mother brought a big cake and christmas cookies with milk. even after christmas, i can not forget about it.

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