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2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of will. Дополни диалог правильной формой глагола will.
A So what (you / do) 1____will__you__do__________ when you finish school?
B I'm not sure. First of all, (I / have) 2___I__will it__have_______ a good holiday after all those exams! (It / not be) 3____It_________________ a very long holiday, because I don't have much money, but I need a rest. After that, (I / start) 4____________________ looking for a job.
A (you / stay) 5_________________ here or go to another town?
B (I / not stay) 6________________ here! There's no work in this town!

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. They don't like green bananas.

3. We live in a big city.

4.Do you like American cars?

5.We don't speak English

Популярно: Английский язык