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Read Alan's regrets and complete the sentences
I didn't study at school, so I didn't pass my exams. I found it difficult to find a job because I didn't have any qualifications. I worked as a laborer until I hurt my back. I lived with my mother because I didn't earn enough money. I didn't meet many friends because I couldn't go out. I got married very late, so I didn't have any children. I never went abroad because I was broke. I have had a hard life.

1. If he....more at school, ........he could his exams.
2. If he.....some qualifications, he....a job easily.
3. If he......as a laborer, he......his back.
4. He......with his mother if he......more money.
5. He.....more new friends if he......
6. If he....earlier, he.....children.
7. He....abroad if he...broke.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  to succesful engineering, you should have abilities for verbal reasoning numerical reasoning, and spatial relations2.   the  subjects that you like in school and leisure activities you prefer are indications of your interests3. many  people  base  their career choices on their  interests4.   people  should understand their values prior to make a career decision.5.  you can develop  an understanding of your values by asking your-self what is more  important to you.6.for  example, if it is important to you to spend time with your family, you should find a job that requires little travel or overtime work.

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