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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use the 1 st , 2 nd or 3 rd conditional.
1. If we were famous, we ............................. (earn) a lot of money.
2. Jane ................................ (not tell) me, if I hadn´t asked her.
3. If I can, I.................................. (help).
4. I wouldn´t have known, if you................................ .(not phone) me.
5. Peter and Amy would get married, if they........................(can).
6. We ....................... (have) a holiday next year, if we work hard
this year.
7. What........................you ................ (do) if you saw a ghost?
8. If we............................... (not can) get there tonight, we will have
have to stay in a hotel.
9. If your documents............................(be) in order you will leave at
10. If he.............................. (help) us with the job, it will take us an
11. If your phone............................ (not work), you will use mine.
12. ...................Mary.................. (arrive) in time if she gets the ten
o´clock train?
13. If he had tried to leave the country, he ..................................
(stop) at the frontier.
14. If you play the drums at night, the
15. If you want to get a job, you.................................(need) a work

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. earning

2. telling

3. helps


5. doging

6. having


1. didn't have to

2. needn't have bought

3. needn't have spent

4. didn't have to cook

5. didn't need to install

6. didn't have to explain

7. didn't need to come

8. didn't have to stick

9. needn't have spent

10. didn't need to go


Популярно: Английский язык