1. The process of (bargain / bargaining) should be well prepared.
2. It is vital ( to identify / identifying) the target market for your product.
3. We should (explore / exploring) all the possible incentives.
4. I am interested in (concluding / conclude) this deal with Procter & Gamble LTD.
5. (Achieving / To achieve) your sales target you must work very hard.
6. It is impossible for us (to offer / offering) you such a concession.
7. This approach is used (in training / train) of the new staff of a large company.
8. While (to conduct / conducting) the talks they put forward some attractive terms for us.
9. She was frustrated by (spend / spending) all day in the office and doing secretarial jobs.
10. Thank you (for mentioning / to mention) this important fact during the negotiations

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Ответы на вопрос:


1) переехать в новый город

2) подружиться

3) должен быть терпеливым

4) украсть деньги

5) посылать ужасные сообщения

6) беспокоиться о ней

7) поговорить со взрослыми немедленно

8) страдать от скромности

1) move to a new town

2) make friends

3) must be patient

4) steal money

5) send terrible messages

6) worry about her

7) talk to the adults immediately

8) suffer from modesty

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