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Choose A, B, C or D to fll in the blanks in the sentences below. Write your answers on answer sheet А.
1. Rachel was surprised because she __________ anything like that before.
A hasn’t seen C hadn’t seen
B haven’t seen D didn’t see
2. Dad looked into the room and saw that the boys __________ computer games.
A played C has been playing
B were playing D had been playing
3. We’ll meet as soon as Adela __________ from Chicago.
A return C will return
B returns D will have returned
4. Pamela __________ already 16, when her family moved to Leeds.
A was C has been
B had been D have been
5. I __________ to school today, I’ve got a cold.
A don’t go C am not going
B not go D not going
6. I hope it __________ raining by the evening.
A stops C is going to stop
B will stop D will have stopped
7. Sheila has just told me her parents __________ back tomorrow
A come C would come
B will come D are coming
8. I’ve got a splitting headache. – I __________ you an aspirin.
A am giving C give
B am going to give D will give
9. Veronica __________ a pie since the very morning.
A makes C has made
B is making D has been making
10. Penny says she __________ Louise for ages.
A knows C knew
B has known D had known
11. While Mum was washing the windows, Dad __________ in the garden.
A was pottering C had pottered
B pottered D had been pottering
12. The tourists felt that the wind ____________ harder and harder.
A blew C had blown
B was blowing D had been blowing

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Ответы на вопрос:

You were always ahead of us

Ты был всегда впереди нас

Популярно: Английский язык