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Перевод на английский Первая сессия для меня, наверное как и для всех студентов, была трудной. Я очень уставала и много учила, бывало спала только по 5-6 часов в день.
Самой запоминающейся был зачет по анатомии. Мы сдавали сначала по системам, а потом все в месте, т.е большой зачет.
В большом зачете по традиции приветствовали преподователя и сели. После этого она сказала что у троих есть пятерки и они не будут сдавать большой зачет. Но в их числе, к сожалению, я не вошла т.к. на первом маленьком зачете я получила тройку. Они так радовались, а мы остались завидуя им сдавать большой зачет. А так получила по анатомии четверку.

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The first session for me, probably like for all students, was difficult. I was very tired and taught a lot, sometimes I only slept for 5-6 hours a day.  

The most memorable was the anatomy test. We passed first according to the systems, and then everything in place, i.e. a big test.  

In the big competition, according to tradition, they greeted the teacher and sat down. After that, she said that three of them have a's and they will not pass the big test. But among them, unfortunately, I did not enter because on the first small test, I got a three. They were so happy, and we were left envious of them to pass a big test. And so I got a b in anatomy.

ответ:English translation please

The first session was probably difficult for me, as for all students. I was very tired and taught a lot, it used to sleep only 5-6 hours a day.

The most memorable was the anatomy test. We handed over the systems first, and then everything was in place, ie, a big credit.

In great measure, traditionally welcomed the teacher and the village. After that she said that the three have fives and they will not pass the big credit. But among them, unfortunately, I did not enter because on the first small offset I received a triple. They were so pleased, and we remained envious of them taking a great credit. And so received on anatomy four.



я хотела пойти в школу, поэтому я волновалась в первый день. я встала рано утром, чтобы успеть одеться.  

с порога школы меня встретила моя первая учительница, как же я ей за все , она встретила меня с улыбкой, я до сих пор помню ту улыбку и ее добрые глаза. все шумели, смеялись, все были радостными в этот первый день новой жизни, которую я никогда не забуду.

первый день в школе закончился, как мне казалось,

быстро, но запомнился на всю жизнь.


i really wanted to go to school, so i was very worried on the first day. i got up early in the morning to get dressed.

my first teacher greeted me from the doorstep of the school, how grateful i am to her, she met me with a smile, i still remember that smile and her kind eyes. everyone was making noise, laughing, everyone was joyful on this first day of a new life, which i will never forget.

the first day at school ended, it seemed to me, very

fast, but remembered for a lifetime.

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