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1)Signals famous for their size
2)Language that is not spoken by words
3)Good advice
4)Attention! Something's wrong.
You may not realise it, but every time you talk to
somebody you send them special signals. These signals
are not the words you speak. In fact, these are your facial
expression, gestures and posture, in other words, your
body language. Imagine, just one look at your arms and
the way you stand can show what you're really thinking
and feeling. Most of the time, we don't analyse or control
it, but there's some good advice which can help you read
and use the body language effectively.

It's very important to understand other people's negative
body language. For example, if a person crosses their
arms or legs, or doesn't look you in the eye, it might be
that they feel uncomfortable* and not happy with what
you're saying. Also if you notice a person is touching their
face, playing with their hair, or tapping their fingers*, they
might feel bored or nervous. You can easily see if a person
is angry or rude. They point their finger at others or stand
with their hands on their hips. The finger looks like a gun,
and the posture shows power.

So, how to use your body to look open, confident and
positive? Stand up straight in an open posture. Keep
your arms relaxed at the sides of the body, your head
upright. Make good eye contact. It is a psychologically
proven fact that people listen to you better if you look
them in the eye. Use gestures to prove your ideas. But
pay attention to your palms. They should be open and
visible to your listeners. When listening to a person, it is
absolutely necessary for you to nod* your head. That
shows your interest and respect.

Remember, the body language can mean many things. If a person crosses their
arms, they may feel uncomfortable, tired, or just cold. And it could be all of these
at once​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. сильно ли ученики от того, что носят в школу портфели с тяжелыми учебниками?   yes, they  do -  да 

2. вызывает ли это серьеные проблемы со здаровьем? yes, it does - да, вызывает

3. как действует зкран компьютера на глаза человека? it makes human  eyes see worse.  он ухудшает зрение человека.

4. излучает ли экран компьютера радиацию? yes, it does -  да

5. обязаны ли большенство пользователей носить очки?   yes, they do -  да, обязаны

6.  не лучше ли во многом для глаз человека пользоваться напечатанным изданием?   yes,  of course  -  конечно, да 

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