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12Sandy (want) to become an actress, so she (try) to enter the best school of Arts in New York. 13. My brother (get) on my nerves because ne (always/complain). 14. Dad (work) in a new start up in Paris. 15 I(think) that running (be) very good for health. 16. If you (keep) working you will succed. 17. My neighbours (drive) to their ski resort with their own car. 18. Naturai disasters (destroy) more and more areas these. 19. David always (arrive) at school late. 20. What (she/play) to go for next holidays?21. LooK ! Some kids (perform) a danke in the park! 22. My cats (shepend) hours at the window watchind birds outside 23. « The cup OF Coffee you (drink) (seem) really good !» -« Yes, I (always/buy) it from a special shop.24. Children (love) eatind sweets.25. l (read) a very interesting book at the moment. 26. (she/practise) sports in a club ? Yes , she does. 27. My little sister (watch) her favourite programme on TV 28. Cars usually (go ) much Faster than is allowed on most roads. 29. My brothers (write) an essay for his next history lesson. 30. Bristish people (write) hundreds of Christmas cards every year. 31. If you (drink) too much Coffee, you won't manage to sleep. 32. Students (revise) a lot before their exams. 33. My neighbours (invite) lots of people every weekend. 34. Eileen (think) of moving to the counery side

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Let's discuss some important issue of our nowadays. Social networks, are these evil or kind modern tools in our life? How happy we were, when we found out about all that great services like Facebook, ebay, instagram and similar? As an advantages we could finally find our old, lost and current friends, view ther pictures showing their lifes, chat with them, put thousands likes and have a feeling that we are stil close, that we participate somehow. We don't need to spend the hours in the shops and supermarkets any more: just several clicks are left to order, purchase and receive desired items! Lovely. We don't need to work hard on our homework because there is any information on the web we can get. But from another point of view, let's think carefully about what we lost in our life when we started to use the social networks every day. Please think about when did you call your friend last time just to talk? When did you spend the whole day on the nature? We have an illusion of real communications now, because it is much easier to write a message than to meet. When did you read a good book last time? When did you do your homework without cheating it for 100%? People have started spending more than 50% of their free time with gadgets, moover they do it at the school or at work. That is becoming a huge threat for the whole world. We are not getting clever, we are choosing the easiest ways to live. Please think about. To sum up, social networks are interesting places to spend time in, but don't forget that you have your real life passing by while you are online all days long. All of us should keep a healthy balance between or real and internet life. I suggest to choose the second option more frequently.

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