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1V2 Fill in prepositions: The driver was looking … the right and left as if trying to find a particular address.0 on0 to0 at0 about0 no preposition2V2 Fill in prepositions: Father questioned … the correctness of this.0 no preposition0 about0 on0 of0 at3V2 Fill in the suitable preposition: She read the book over his shoulder . . . a while.0 in0 on0 at0 of0 for4V2 Fill in the suitable preposition: I took great pains . . . the planning of my lessons.0 with0 on0 at0 of0 for5V2 Fill in the suitable preposition: I have an enormous need … a contact with an audience, with other people.0 no preposition0 on0 from0 up0 at6V2 Tomorrow if the weather ___ fine we ___ out of the town for hours.0 is / will get0 will be / shall get0 be / will get0 were / get0 was / get0 were/should7V2 If you are free, watch the film they ___ on TV now.0 are showing0 have showed0 shows0 had showed0 showed8V2 If the weather ___ fine we ___ to the park.0 is / will go0 was / go0 are / go0 was / shall go0 would / should go0 were / should go9V2 If my friend ___ to our town next year I ___ him the sights of the city.0 comes / will show0 shall come / show0 come / shows0 is coming / will show0 has come / is showing10V2 They ___ not object to your plan if you ___ it up perfectly.0 will / make0 did / won’t make0 do / will make0 would / don’t make0 don’t / shall make11V2 If ___ rings me up, tell him that I’ll be in at 5.0 nobody0 somebody0 everything0 something0 anything12V2 Hark will play tennis if he ___ his work in time.0 finishes0 finished0 finishing0 finish0 will finish13V2 If you ___ after two hares you ___ none.0 run / will catch0 run / catch0 will run / will catch0 will run / catch0 ran / catch14V2 The British people think, if you ___ tea ___ you up.0 had been depressed / was cheered0 were depressed / cheers0 shall be depressed / will cheer0 have been depressed / cheered0 are depressed / will cheer15V2 If you ___ wisely you ___ cheerfully.0 command / will be obeyed0 commanded / would have been obeyed0 had commanded / would be obeyed0 command / will obey0 will command / are obeyed16V2 If it ___ this winter, we ___ skiing.0 snows / will go0 snow / go0 snowed / went0 snowed / had gone0 had snowed / had gone17V2 She must … it.0 remember0 will remember0 remembers0 to remember0 should remember18V2 Sorry, I … understand you. I … speak Russian.0 don’t / don’t0 do / do0 do / don’t0 am / am0 is/ are19V2 I am … tennis this afternoon.0 playing0 play0 to play0 played0 being played20V2 … you ever … in a car accident?0 have / been0 do / been0 have / be0 have / was0 has / been21V2 Mason … his homework 10 minutes ago, but I’ve not finished mine ….0 finished / yet0 finish / just0 finished / just0 finish / just0 finishing / still22V2 Dave … a student with her work now.0 is helping0 help0 helped0 helping0 being helped23V2 Most of the students … these days.0 don’t smoke0 is smoking0 isn’t smoking0 didn’t smoke0 aren’t smoking24V2 Many birds … south every winter.0 fly0 flew0 are flying0 will fly0 flied25V2 Usually Jim … to work on Saturdays.0 went0 goes0 go0 is going0 have gone26V2 Japan … many high mountains.0 was having0 is having0 have0 are having0 has27V2 Cats … very well in darkness.0 see0 are seeing0 will0 sees0 saw28V2 While I … to work this morning I … an old friend.0 was going / met0 am going / met0 go / was meeting0 went / meet0 go / met29V2 I … to get up this morning. It … and it was cold, and my bed was so warm.0 don’t want / is raining0 am not wanting / rains0 wasn’t wanting / rained0 didn’t want / was raining0 is wanting / was raining30V2 I … to the news on the radio when the phone ….0 was listening / rang0 am listening / was ringing0 listened / was ringing0 listen / is ringing0 listening / rung31V2 But when I … up the phone, there was no one there.0 picking0 picked0 pick0 was picking0 will pick32 V2 Sarah’s English is getting better. She … a lot of English since she _____ here.0 learning / come0 has learnt / has come0 learnt / has come0 learnt / came0 has learnt / came33V2 Mike and Jack … here five months ago. They … in this city for five months.0 came / have been0 have come / have been0 come / were0 has come / has been0 had come / will be34V2 David can go to bed now. He … his homework.0 has finished0 finish0 finishes0 finished0 finishing35V2 Peter … his work 3 hours ago.0 finished0 will finish0 finish0 has finished0 finishing​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) be

2) getting up

3) think

4) working

5) study

6) wandering

7) bring

8) having

9) say

10) doing

11) do

1. doing

2. to do

3. buying

4. to buy

5. making

6. to buy

7. producing

8. to speak

Популярно: Английский язык