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Read the text below. For each empty space (1-10) choose the correct answer
(A, B, C or D).
A: What (1)
yesterday at 8 p.m.?
B: I (2)
in the pub with Sam. Why?
A: I (3)
to the sports centre at that time to play squash with a
few friends. As we only players, I (4)
e to ring you if you would like to
come as well, but I (5)
you at home.
B: Why (6)
on my mobile?
A: I actually (7)
MIN to ring on your mobile, but by accident
1 (8)
William's number. He (9)
anything special at
the moment and really (10)
the idea of playing squash with us.
1 did you do
12 sat
3 were driving
was trying
5 I wasn't reaching
6 wasn't you ringing
7 wanting
8 dialed
9 didn't do
10 | like
were you doing
was to sit
hadn't reached
didn't you ring
had wanted
was dialing
was to do
you did
was sitting
did drive
didn't reach
weren't you ringing
were dialing
were doing
| D
I did you
was driving
was to try
not reached
not you rang
was to dial
wasn't doing
was liked​

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Ответы на вопрос:

being a parent is very probably the most difficult and demanding job people over do. it can also quite a disappointing time for some parents especially if they expressed parenthood to be enjoyable all the time, or had unrealistic ideas about having the perfect child. but for more parents it is one of the happiest and most satisfying experiences of thie lives. there are some problems that can make being a parent even more difficult- such as lack of money, cramped housing conditions, problems in your relationship.the most important thing to remember is that there is no one correct way of bringing up a child.  provided thier need are met , children from all different kinds of social, religoous or cultural backgrounds can still grow up to be happy, well- adjusted adults. you are  the only experts when it comes to bringing up your children


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