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остаться неизвестным

2. частная собственность

3. детский рисунок

4. уличный художник

5. Бэнкси – художник, который хочет остаться неизвестным.

B Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:

6. It is very nice ____ you to invite me and my family for lunch.

7. Who stars _____ The Hobbit films ?

8. The second youngest billionaire of the world Mark Zuckerberg is famous _____ creating Facebook.

9. I think, high quality special effects add value ______ the Harry Potter films.

10. What sort ____ music does your friend like ?

C Complete the sentences with the correct comparative /superlative form of the adjectives/ adverbs in brackets:

11. That was _________(bad) film I have ever seen.

12. Den is __________ (intelligent) person in our group.

13. We are going to enjoy __________ (comfortable) way to watch a movie in the luxurious VIP Auditorium.

14. The _____(much) pupils said, the _____(angry) the teacher felt.

15. She came _____ (late) than we expected.

D Fill in the gaps with the correct particle:

16. When I was a kid I got angry with my parents one day and ran ______from home.

17. Melissa ran _________ Bill yesterday at the cinema.

18. We’ve run _____ milk. Could you get some, please?

19. After I’ve written the speech, could we run _______ it together so you can let me know what you think.

20. I ran _________ the dog while driving here and I can’t stop thinking about it.

E Translate into Russian:

21. The artist’s miniature sculptures are so small that they fit on the top of a pinhead.

22. Most of his paintings portray scenes from his native town.

F Writing (write a few sentences (5-7) answering the following questions:

23. What would life be like without art?

24. What films are you fond of most of all? Why?

25. What book can you recommend to read? Why?

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Ответы на вопрос:


Dear Mr.Smith,

Hello, Director of Radio Friday, Mr. Smith, I really want you to know that I really love your radio and listen to it every day on the street, in the car, in the bathroom, sometimes even in the toilet. And sometimes I thought about why you wouldn’t take me to your Radio Friday team, even the same cleaner, thanks for attention Mr. Smith.

All the best .

(Твоё имя).

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