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I. Express in one word:
1.creation of beautiful things
2. painting, drawing, sketch
3. without colour, pale
4. to be uncertain
5. choice
6. done with skill and good taste
7. giving vivid impression of nature and reality

II. Give English equivalents for:
1. выставлять что-либо на выставке
2. мечта всей жизни
3. зрелый художник
4. незаметное место
5. отправить что-либо в химчистку
6. с большим ущербом для чьего-либо здоровья
7. быть в хорошей (плохой) форме
8. тюбик с масляными красками
9. закрытие выставки
10. заняться живописью
11. стать посмешищем
12. холст
13. натюрморт
14. пейзаж
15. задний план
16. цветовая гамма
17. рисовать (писать) с натуры

III. Fill in prepositions:
1. Pygmalion fell … love … the statue … Galatea.
2. It’s no use sending my clothes … the cleaner’s.
3. As two giggling students stopped … the strange anomaly Swain fled … terror.
4. His purchases ….recent years had to be liquidated … a great sacrifice both … his health and his pocket-book.
5. The doctor had his stethoscope ready … case the abruptness … the suggestion proved too much … the patient’s heart.
6. He stood watching the play … colours … the surface … water.
7. You must try to look … the matter … my point … view.
8. His arrival was a surprise … me.
9. The chances are ten … one.
10. What country do you come …?

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Ответы на вопрос:

  what were people doing in high street  ? an hour later,a parade with town band and cinderella`s golden coach was going to the museum . who was sitting in  cinderella`s golden coach ? what  music  was the town band playing , lombard street  and high street were closed for 30 minutes . was  the parade going down  lombard sreet and high street ? james fleet , an actor , switched on the christmas lights outside the museum at 6.45 p.m.what was james fleet doing at 6.30 p.m ?

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