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1“I don’t like talking about unnecessary things”, the boss says to Mr Grey.
2“Your unbelievable stories are the best in this class”, the teacher says to Jack.
3“I’ve forgotten to pack my passport”, Sam says to the officer.
4“Your new novel is my favourite one”, Linda says to the writer.
5“My hobbies don’t need much energy”, Mike says to Sam.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The boss said that he didn't like talking about unnecessary things

2. The teacher said to Jack that his unbelievable stories was the best in the class

3. Sam said to the officer that he had forgotten to pack his passport

4. Linda said to the writer that his new novel was her favorite one

5. Mike said to Sam that his hobbies didn't need much energy

1.Я не люблю разговаривать про бесполезные (ненужные) вещи сказал директор(бос) (мистеру) Грею.

2.Твоя невероятная(удивительная) история(произведение) самая лучшая в классе сказала учительница Джеку

3.Я забыл положить (свой) паспорт сказал Сэм сотруднику

4. Твой новый роман(новелла, повесть) один из моих любимых сказала Линда писателю

5.Мое хобби не требует(тратит) много энергии сказал Майк Сэму


В скобках написано другое значение слова

I'm sick. i have a runny nose. doing homework.

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