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1. поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в past indefinite tense (прошедшее неопределенное время): 1. they (to study) many subjects last year. 2. he (to enter) the university in 1998. 3. i (to go) to the university by bus.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. studied 2. entered 3. went

1. look! somebody has broken that window. 2. you look tired. have you been working hard? 3. - have you ever worked in a factory? - no, never. 4. – liz is away on holiday. – is she? where has she gone? 5. my brother is an actor. he has appeared in several films. 6. – sorry, i’m late. – that’s all right. i have not been wait ing long. 7. - is it still raining? - no, it has stopped. 8. i have lost my address book. have you seen it? 9. i have been read ing the book you lent to me, but i have not finished it yet. 10. i have read the book you lent to me, so you can have it back now.

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