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They (to begin) to think it is late.

am begins
are beginning
is beginning

She (to speak) to you.

is speaking
are speaking

Somebody (to ring) the bell.

is rings
are ringing
is ringing

We (to meet)at the gate.

are meeting
is meeting
am meeting

Pesca (to teach) languages.

am teaches
is teaching
are teaching

My mother (to laugh).

is laughing
is laughs
is laughes

The Professor (to risk) blindly.

am risking
is risks
is risking

The friends (to walk) together.

are walking
is walking
are walks

He (to murmur) something.

am murmuring
is murmuring
are murmuring

Nobody (to cry).

is cryes
are crying
is crying

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

They are beginning to think it is late.

She is speaking to you.

Somebody is ringing the bell.

We are meeting at the gate.

My mother is laughing.

The Professor is risking blindly.

The friends are walking together.

He is murmuring something.

Nobody is crying.

Are beginning
Is speaking
Is ringing
Are meeting
Is teaching
Is laughing
Is risking
Are walking
Is murmuring
Is crying


this is a dog. it's big and red. its nose is black. the dog is under the desk. its  a  good dog. it's not bad. this is its bone. it s big. the dog is happy. i iike the dog.


1.  what's this? this is a dog

2.  is the dog big? the dog is big.

3.  is the dog red? the dog is red.

4.  is its nose black? its nose is black.

5.  where is the dog? the dog is under the desk.

6.  is it a good dog?   it's  a  good dog.

7.  is it a bad dog? it's not bad.

8.  is the dog happy?   the dog is happy.

9.  is the bone big?   the bone is big.


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