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2. Поставьте A/ An / the где надо

My mother is … accountant and my father is … lawyer. They work in … same company in … centre of … our town. (Моя мама – бухгалтер, а папа – юрист. Они работают в одной компании в центре нашего города.)

How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour. (Сколько стоят ее занятия по итальянскому языку? – Десять долларов в час.)

Where are … dogs? – They are in … garden. (Где собаки? – Они в саду.)

… cats like eating … fish. … cows like eating … grass. … birds like eating … insects. (Кошки любят есть рыбу. Коровы любят есть траву. Птицы любят есть насекомых.)

My favourite subjects are … chemistry and … biology. (Мои любимые предметы – химия и биология.)

There is … parrot in … cage. And there are … pieces of … fruit in it. (В клетке попугай. И в ней есть кусочки фруктов)

Look at … woman. She is … neighbor I told you about. (Посмотри на женщину. Это соседка, о которой я тебе говорил.)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

An,a,the, the,an,a,the,a,the,the,a,a,an,a,the,a,the,a,the,the,a.


My mother is an accountant and my father is a lawyer. They work in the same company in the centre of our town.

How much are her Italian lessons? - Ten dollars an hour.

Where are the dogs? - They are in the garden.

Cats like eating fish. Cows like eating grass. Birds like eating insects.

My favourite subjects are Chemistry and Biology.

There is a parrot in the cage. And there are pieces of fruit in it.

Look at the woman. She is the neighbor I told you about.

Fred is a very   successful writer. people love his books.2). it is very  healthy   .to eat vegetables. 3) wandy's mother died two years ago. wandy feels it is   painful  for her to speak about your mum.4). the letter was  joyful   . there were so many pleasant thing about alex in it 5 ) i think roses are the most wondeful  flowers.6). alice's frends say she is a  girl. she is always beautiful.

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