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Ответы на вопрос:

Who're you? That's Elton John.

Where're you from? From Ireland.

Why're you smoking? I'm really nervous now.

When're you born? In 1973, 18 March

How're you doing? It's going well.

What's your college? It's Massachusetts.

Which of yogurts do you like? Eco.

Whose skateboard did you borrow? I borrowed Rob's bicycle.

Whom did you congratulate yesterday? Michael Jordan.

What kind of movies do you like? I like Western.

Would make many friends. would find many interesting books. would see the portraits of famous writers. would see our pupils' awards on the walls. librarian would help you. would find the football field. would play the computer games. would know many interesting facts about our sportsmen. wouldn't go outside. would like it.

Популярно: Английский язык