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Ответы на вопрос:

Where are his trousers?

Where is his hat?

Where is his T-shirt?

Where are his boots?

Where is his jacket?

His trousers are on the carpet.

His hat is near the desk.

His T-shirt is near the wardrobe.

His boots are under the bed.

His jacket is on the sofa.

Надеюсь Если не сложно можешь отметить мой ответ как лучший?

Type 0. научный факт if + present simple, present simple 1 if you put an ice cube into water, it melts. 2 if you mix blue and yellow paints, you get green colour. 3 if temperature is zero, eater freezes. type 1. реальное условие в будущем if + present simple, will + v (v - verb - глагол) 1 if the weather is good, we will go out tomorrow. 2 if it rains, i won't go to the park. 3 if i meet paul, i'll give him the letter.

Популярно: Английский язык