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Exercise 1. Use the proper article.
Note. Pay attention to the use of the article with the noun predicative, the noun object and the noun subject (in sentences with the introductory there).
1. Have you ... grandfather? 2. There is ... garden behind ... house. 3. My brother-in-law is ... writer and his wife is ... doctor. 4. These are ... difficult sentences. 5. I have ... father, ... mother and ... little sister. 6. What's ... matter with you? 7. We are ... students of ... English faculty. 8. There came ... knock at ... door. 9. Benny is already in ... bed. 10. Once there lived ... captain brave. 11. ... Doctor Smith is still at ... hospital. 12. This isn't ... snow, this is ... ice. 13. She has ... velvet dress. 14. He is ... good-looking young man of 20. 15. There are ... beautiful flowers in ... park. 16. Is she ... college graduate?

Exercise 2. Use the proper article.
1. Come to ... blackboard and write... Exercise 12. 2. You have ... spelling mistake in ... word "nursery". 3. He is ... old friend of mine. 4. There came ... tap at ... door and in another moment we saw ... small girl enter ... room. 5. He is ... young artist and, I should say, rather talented. 6. He gave her ... cigarette and lighted it. 7. I. don't feel ... sympathy towards this man. 8. They are going to build ... new house. 9. Are ... rooms in your flat large or small? 10. ... hour is a long time. In ... hour you can read ... newspaper, or write ... letter. 11. What ... beautiful music he is playing! 12. In every remark he found ... meaning but not always the true meaning. 13. There is ... curiosity in her look. 14. ... Sandfords have ... nice house. ... house isn't large but comfortable.

Exercise 3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. My little sister (to go) to school every day. 2. The sun (to rise) in the East. 3. Bad students never (to work) hard. 4. It often (to snow) in winter. 5. He (to wake up) at seven and (to have) breakfast at half past seven. 6. The teacher (to point) at the blackboard when he (to want) to explain something. 7. Mother always (to cook) in the morning. 8. I (to see) what you mean. 9. She (to say), she (to hear) nothing. 10. There (to be) a girl downstairs who (to want) to see you. 11. My friend (to go) there nearly every week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) The floor is ought to be washed by her

2)The book would be brouht by Betty

3)The door should be opened by him

4)Vegetables don't need to be bought by the Browns

5)Tennis might be played by us

6)The question can be answered by her

7)Will our vocabulary be checked by the teacher?

8)The form must be filled by me today

9)The newspaper could not be read by Mike

10)Could the gate be locked by Boris?


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