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Написать преложения лёгкие 4 класс с утвердительными, отрицательными, во предложениями в времени с глаголами и так 3 раза

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:he listened to music yesterday

Did he listen to music yesterday

He didn’t listen to music yesterday

I went to the cinema Last friday. I did my homework yesterday at five o'clock. I laid the table for dinner yesterday.

I didn't go to the cinema Last friday. I didn't do my homework yesterday at five o'clock. I didn't lay the table for dinner yesterday.

Did I go to the cinema Last friday? Did I do my homework yesterday at five o'clock? Did I lay the table for dinner yesterday?

Ilike city life more. because i can go to the cafe, cinema or shopping mall. in my town buildings are tall and beautiful. i like city more that country, but city have some disadvantages. this is crowded streets, heavy traffic, pollution. my grandmother live in country and sometimes i visit her. in the village are clean air. there are many plants and animals. in village we're eat fresh and natural products. most of all i like homemade cottage cheese.

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