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A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use. (shaking/ thirsty/ bite/ burn/ starving/ embarrassed/ cut/ chewing/ home-made/ beat/ eating/ sweat/ roast/ screamed/ tasty)
1. You shouldn’t eat so fast as it is not good for your health. It looks as if you are not … what you are not eating.
2. Ella likes to visit her granny as she usually cooks very … cakes.
3. Mary … when she saw a tiny spider on the mirror in her bathroom.
4. I like … food! Your pies and cakes are really delicious.
5. I’m afraid you should change your … habits as you’ve gained some extra weight.
6. Every Sunday the British get together and cook … beef or lamb with vegetables and gravy.
7. You should … down on drinking fizzy drinks as it is dangerous for your health.
8. Even thinking about the coming exams makes my heart …faster.
9. Thinking about getting into a lift makes him … .
10. Emily is so shy. When she goes to the board and starts speaking she is … like a leaf.
11. Doing some physical exercise is the best way to … calories.
12. I’m … ! I haven’t eaten anything since morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if he hadn't done (iii) well on the training course, he wouldn't be head of department now. - если бы он не справился с учебным курсом, он бы не стал начальником отдела. 2. if you gave us a 5% discount we'd make a firm order of 5,000 units. (ii) - если б вы дали нам скидку 5%, мы сделали бы твердый заказ на 5000 единиц. 3. the merger could have succeeded if the management styles hadn't been so different. (iii) - слияние могло бы быть успешным, если бы стили не были настолько разными. 4. if we had followed his advice, we could have lost a great deal of money. (ii) - если бы мы следовали его совету, мы могли бы потерять много денег. 5. please don't hesitate to contact me if you require any further information (i). - , не стесняйтесь обращаться ко мне, если вам нужна дополнительная информация.

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