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Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

of, in , into, out, up, down, of, up.

1. We have run out ___ coffee. We need to buy some.

2. Jim is so annoying sometimes! He drives me____ the wall.

3. I can’t talk to you right now because I’m ___ a hurry.

4. Laura was not looking in front of her while walking down the street and bumped ____a wall.

5. I’m afraid the doctor is booked ____for next Monday.

6. The firefighters were able to put _____the fire after six hours.

7. I made a complete fool _____ myself when I fell down the stairs.

8. James feels dizzy and I think he should lie _____ for a while.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i learned your phone at the information desk and called you several times, but no one answered. 2. examiners came a quarter of an hour ago and caused three students. 3. examiners have already come;   three students are already preparing to answer. 4. rain already has stopped and people go without raincoats and umbrellas. 5. i will never forget your kindness.  you were always so attentive to me. 6. when we were students, we have always helped each other. 7. i know him for many years;   he's always been a good friend to me. 8. very pleased to meet you.  i heard so much about you and have been wanting to meet you. 9. where do you get   this wonderful carpet?   — i have it since i live in this apartment.

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