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2.a Choose the correct preposition (prepositions of place)

a) at b) in c) on

1. There is a nice picture … the wall.

2. She never keeps her money … her bag.

3. Don’t sit … the ground.

4. Can you see something strange … the water?

5. I think her flat is … the third floor of that building.

6. Who is the boy … that photo?

7. The car was parked … the corner of the street.

8. The children are playing … the garden.

9. My friend spent his holiday … a small village … the mountains.

10. The night is very dark. There are no stars … the sky.

11. Let’s meet … the entrance to the supermarket.

12. Our dog likes swimming … the river.

13. St.Peterburg is … the Neva River.

14. She waited for him … the bus stop … the end of Green Street.

15. There is nobody … the building.

16. I think I left my bag … the chair … the corner of the classroom.

17. When we were … Spain we stayed … a hotel. We always left keys … reception.

18. We live … Number 54 (Market street).

19. There’s big circle. Inside the circle … the top there is a small square. … the right … at the side there are two small circles.

20. … the left … the side there’s a triangle, and there’s a rectangle … the bottom.

21. … the middle there are three small dots.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1if you want ice cream buy it.2if you don’t mind the tip, I’ll give it to you 3if your parents scold you

this does not mean that you are bad 4if you need something buy it


1если хочешь мороженого купи это

2если ты не против чаевых, я дам тебе

3если родители тебя ругают  

это не значит что ты плохой


если тебе что то нужно купи это

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