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a) обязательный b) поведение с)общение

2. state

a) высокий b) высший с) государственный

3. educate

a) посещать b) образовывать с) беда

4. private

a) тихий b) частный с)средний

5. expect

a) позволять b) спор с)ожидать

Choose the correct pronoun.

1. My friends want ... to go for a walk

a )me b) I c) mine d) my

2. It takes ... 5 minutes to get to the library.

a )you b) your c) yours

3. This is ... house.

a )his b) him c) he

4. I don`t like my pen. ... is much better.

a )they b) their c) theirs d) them

5. ...is a real troublemaker.

a )her b) she c) hers

B. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически подходили к содержанию предложения.

1. Our teacher would like (we) to do homework every day.

2.There are different types of (средних) schools in Russia

3. In Russia education is (обязательное).

4.If the weather were fine , they (arrange) a picnic.

5. I will get a good mark if I (work) hard.

6. The tasty pie (cook )yesterday.

7. The computer (use) by my sister every day.

8. The new rule ( explain) by the teacher tomorrow.

9. You (вынужден) get up early .

10. You (следует) behave well.

C) Составь предложения.

1. pictures/ drawn/the/ by/ boy/ was /this

2. be/texts/ will/the/next/ the/ translated/ year

3.out/parents/stay/want/son/ of/the/their/to/ trouble

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Ответы на вопрос:















5-would arrange

6-was cooked

7-is used

8-will be explained

9-need to


Если будут во обращайтесь:) Отметьте как лучший ответ, если не сложно ❤️











1. Our teacher would like US to do homework every day.

2.There are different types of MIDDLE schools in Russia

3. In Russia education is (обязательное).

4.If the weather were fine , they WOULD ARRANGE a picnic.

5. I will get a good mark if I WORK hard.

6. The tasty pie WAS COOKED )yesterday.

7. The computer IS USED by my sister every day.

8. The new rule WILL BE EXPLAINED by the teacher tomorrow.

9. You (вынужден) get up early .

10. You (следует) behave well.

C) Составь предложения.

1. pictures/ drawn/the/ by/ boy/ was /this The pictures was drawn by this boy

2. be/texts/ will/the/next/ the/ translated/ year

3.out/parents/stay/want/son/ of/the/their/to/ trouble

Parents want their son to stag out of th trouble

every country is special. when i think of the usa  , the following thoughts come to my mind:

it is   a large strong country. it consists of 50 states each of them has its own star on the american flag. each state has its own government and even its own laws which differ from state to state.

the capital is washington d.c. the head of the country is a president. there is the white house where the president works. his office is called the oval office. the president and his family also live in the white house. the president plays a great role. the election of the president is a show.there are many very fat people because fast food is very popular there.

the national symbol of the usa is the statue of liberty. the statue is located on an island in new york and it was the first thing that people saw arriving to america  on the ferry.

hollywood. it is a region in los angeles which is the center of american and world movie making industry. it is famous for its movie studios. this is the country with its own traditions and holidays.


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